It may come as a surprise for some to learn that though there are large Episcopal Cathedrals in urban centers around the country, as well as very small mission churches, St. Timothy’s is within the definition of an average Episcopal Church in terms of size. Founded as a mission church in 1974 and granted parish status in 1980, St. Timothy’s has a substantial presence as a community of faith in Calhoun and Gordon County.

St. Timothy's Church

What We Do

Like all Episcopal Churches St. Timothy’s is Christ and Eucharistically centered. Episcopalians do not find their identity in a set of beliefs or “confessions” that must be acknowledged in order to be accepted. Rather we find our common ground in the Eucharist (Holy Communion). We gather as a faith community to worship together, pray together, commune together, learn together, and grow together in our personal as well as shared spiritual journey. We embrace the theology that says all Christians are called into a life where we strive to understand what it might mean to live a life wherein we love like Jesus loved.

Our worship is grounded in the Book of Common Prayer – the vast majority of which comes directly from the Bible. We find our identity in coming together for worship where we acknowledge the reality of God, the primacy of Jesus as our guide and teacher, and our desire to live lives that are pleasing to God.

Whether you are a life-long Episcopalian or new to the Episcopal Church, we would welcome you into our community of faith; a community of persons on the journey of becoming the persons God calls us to be. We hope to see you soon.

Mission Statement

To emulate Christ and to be a loving and caring family to the community and to ourselves.

Many hands join together at St. Timothy’s

ALTAR GUILD Preparation for Eucharist or communion is provided by dedicated parishioners working “behind the scenes.”

ADULT CHOIR Music is a major part of our worship. Members of our congregation meet early on Sundays to practice for their selections on the first Sunday.

COMMUNICATION A dedicated team prepares the monthly newsletter and calendar of church activities, news, and special interests.

CREATION KEEPERS “Going green” is just one part of the mission of this church group.

DAUGHTERS OF THE KING Women seeking further study may consider joining the DOK one evening per month. The international Episcopal order is dedicated to praying, serving, and evangelizing.

FACILITIES and GROUNDS Taking care of our “home” is an ongoing responsibility we all share as members of St. Timothy’s. Workdays are a fun as well as an effective means to handle tasks.

FLOWER GUILD Floral arrangements celebrating events, memorializing loved ones, or to the glory of God can be placed on the altar throughout the year.

JOURNEY GROUP A small group dedicated to studying and activity to achieve a deeper and more personal relationship with personal spirituality.

MEN’S GROUP Men of the church meet to discuss scripture as it reflects in today’s world.

OUTREACH We are Christ’s service and outreach to the world beyond our membership. We commit to serve those beyond the membership of our congregation financially with “no strings attached.”

PARISH LIFE We provide varied opportunities for members and friends to gather for a meal, for family-style fun or for social activities. We also share a covered dish lunch on the first Sunday of each month, immediately after the worship service.

WORSHIP We are thoughtful in planning our worship throughout the year to assure the inclusion of all with varied music and message styles.